A Call for Sensitivity in Discussing Circumcision

By MOLLY MCFLY I am a young woman who is proud to be deeply invested in the movement to defeat institutionalized circumcision. However, as I have previously confessed, I once agreed with and actually defended this unnecessary surgery and its imposition on non-consenting infants. Since I used to be pro-cutting and am now adamantly opposed to…

Bringing a Jewish Circumcision Alternative (Brit Shalom) to New York Metro Families

By MOSHE ROTHENBERG Using his voice for good: In additionto performing brit shalom celebrations,Moshe Rothenberg sings to benefitsocial causes. Above he performs in aNYC benefit for the people of Darfur.  The Jewish opposition to circumcision was just beginning 24 years ago when my wife Yehudit and I decided to leave our newborn son intact. We were not the…

Beyond the Bris on Beyond the Sling (Mayim Bialik’s New Book)

By REBECCA WALD Jewish mother and actress Mayim Bialik has just released her new book on attachment parenting titled Beyond the Sling. I applaud her work in bringing sound natural parenting principles to a broad audience. Mayim’s down-to-earth and straightforward exposition of attachment parenting will resonate with many of today’s parents, and parents-to-be, who are…